Sunday, August 27, 2006

Face-down, Listless in Novosibirsk

So my feelings of sickness yesterday were apparently not produced by too much Baltika the night before. Most of today's afternoon has been spent face down, drooling, in my pillow in Room 810 of the Hotel Sibir. I am not redline sick, just listless and dulled, drifting back into another hour of sleep just as I thought I was awaking. The walk to this internet cafe just six blocks away was more difficult than it should've been. The weather grey, the people sullen, my legs muddy. It is unnaturally cold here. Yes, hello, it is Siberia, but an August day is still supposed to be warmish this time of year. I don't really have a frame of reference as this is the deepest in the calendar I've been in Russia. August's monthlong vacation winds down as citizens return to work, to school, to their routines.

My self-diagnosis thus far has me in a superposition of the following states:

[State A] Midwestern allergies reawakened in the plains of Siberia
Evidence: Waking with yellow-crusted eyes and more phlegm than humanly normal

[State B] Mis/malnourishment due to Rod's Eastern Europe diet, devoid of protein (goodbye Clif bars!) and an abundance of slimy potatoes
Evidence: Waking with pinkish, oily blemishes on forehead and nose

[State C] Diet-borne microorganisms in my bloodstream, straining my once impenetrable immune system
Evidence: Unusually colored items in commode

Tomorrow morning I board a 757 bound for Bishkek, the first of my Central Asia stopovers. I carry more dread than usual since I'm not even close to being at 100% and, from my substantial prior experience being hauled around in ex-Soviet flying carriages, the flight will not be pleasant. Humid, creaky cabin, noisy engines, people smacking their meat while licking their fingers, the people pushy and pungent. Once landed, luggage carts will be impossibly loaded with suitcases, boxes and bags, all hermetically sealed with the ubiquitous blue shrinkwrap, half of which will be strategically aimed for the back of my ankles. Put-upon babushkas will elbow their way to the baggage claim, secretly longing for the sweet relief of death's finger. Since my unshaven complexion has paled from brownish to greenish-white, the xenophobic stares will triple and the scaring of Slavonic children will be my only reward.

I am just a little uneasy because Novosibirsk was intended to be the safe, familiar staging area before launching into unknown Kyrgyzstan, but right now I can barely draw the energy to type. For my loved ones, don't worry. As long as I'm not writing or quoting poetry, my superhuman metabolism will win the day.


Blogger Big Dave said...

Ah jeez Rod. It’s a good thing your poor mother is not alive to read your blog. Thanks for delineating the possible causes for the various colored discharges from your body. But as long as we’re playing doctor and being all clinical and shit, I’d like to submit a possible cause for consideration, Doctor.

[State D] A single spore of weapons-grade virus has deposited itself in a nurturing patch of mucous membranes and is preparing to mount an attack on your nervous system!
Evidence: All of the above symptoms and more to come.

Alright, I found Kyrgyzstan on the map. Hmmm, interesting part of the world – I’m sure they have a booming tourist industry there. Seriously, I hope your superhuman metabolism kicks some ass and you’re back to 100% soon. You’re going to need your now finely honed spidey senses to keep you out of trouble.


4:36 PM GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Dave actually write "godspeed"?

I hope your "allergies" get better. I think your superhuman immune system has finally met its match--you have what sounds like the flu to me. Perhaps they have Sudafed in their drugstores? Can you flash your State Dept. badge for speedy health service?

Hope you feel better--it's awful to fly when you don't feel well.


6:55 PM GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm...Does anybody else feel uneasy about Rod's trip?


10:44 PM GMT  
Blogger Lesley said...

All I can picture is you gesturing devilfingers, all mucousy and yellow eyed like a proper Siberian headbanger. It isn't a pretty picture, but one we want some proof of.

12:40 AM GMT  
Blogger rod said...

Got seven hours of sleep last night and I feel pretty good now. Going to try to eat something before I climb onto the UTAir flying carriage to Bishkek.

And, godspeed, everyone.

2:52 AM GMT  
Blogger Big Dave said...

Good lord Kathryn. Don’t you know anything about the English language?

Godspeed: An expression of respect and good will when addressing someone, typically someone about to go on a journey or a daring endeavor.

Spot on if you ask me. Some people also consider the word to be a blessing as well. He did get better didn’t he? I rest my case.

4:24 AM GMT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why, yes, Dave, I know a lot about the English language. If memory of my History of the English Language graduate course serves , Godspeed originated in the Middle Ages, and used to be written, "God speed you." "Speed" here means something like "success" or "good fortune"--thus, God grant you success. My original point was a)I can't believe you are using such a phrase unironically, and b) I can't believe you are invoking God when it comes to Rod. Superman needs no divine intervention.

And Rod--I'm glad you are feeling somewhat better.


12:26 PM GMT  
Blogger Big Dave said...

Alright, everybody calm down. Sorry Kathryn, I was purposely goading you for a reaction you little trouble-maker. And my other purpose was to have you reveal “your point ‘a’ & ‘b’ [sic]” for making the Godspeed comment because I was truly puzzled. Let me address those points: a) ever since I met Rod, I’ve given up on trying to be ironic – I’m convinced that I don’t understand what ironic means anymore (some of you know what I’m talking about); b) are you saying that Rod is a godless pagan just because he worships the sun and cats instead of your “god”?

Alright, that’s enough of that nonsense … that was fun though huh? I love a spirited sparring session with my pal Kathryn while using Rod as the butt of all jokes. Wish you were here.

All my love

1:29 AM GMT  

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